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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Voice Comment App

This App was highlighted at a Conference I recently attended.  Using Kaizena to provide Voice 'descriptive feedback' has opened a whole new world.  Students submit their work via Google Drive and you open and provide that rich descriptive feedback based on the success criteria that you and your students developed around your learning goal.  Check it out....

Professional Self Reflection

Recently this blog post was shared with me.  I find it very timely as we just completed Term 1 with a 'Celebration of Learning' (i.e. Student Led Conferences).  At our next Divisional Meetings I would like to take some time to debrief and discuss the 'next steps' with respect to Assessment & Evaluation.  Assessment & Evaluation is key to what we do each day as the expression goes, "Assessment drives Instruction".

This blog post really hits home for me.  As professionals, we have a responsibility to our students (and ourselves) to continue to remain 'current' in our practice.  To continuously self-reflect and hone our practice based on the most current research.  Take some time to see if your 'heart is visible' in your classroom.