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Thursday, August 1, 2013



What is a Portfolio?
S. Colautti                                                         May 2013                             Student-Led Conferences PLC
What is a Portfolio?
    A portfolio is a purposeful collection of selective significant samples of student work accompanied by clear criteria for performance which evidence student effort, progress or achievement. A portfolio is different from a folder in that it includes:
o Explicit guidelines for selection
o success criteria
o Clear objectives for each task
o Selective and significant pieces (evidence of progress, favourite work, etc.)
o Students’ self-reflection pieces
o Evidence of student participation in selection of some of the content
    A portfolio exhibits the student's progress and achievement in several subject areas, but should focus on reading, writing, and mathematical problem solving. The contents can be varied.  Some suggestions are: work samples, journals, compositions/essays, photographs, checklists, projects, videos, audio clips, self assessments, student reflections, summative evaluations, etc.
There are many online resources that can support teachers starting the journey towards portfolios and student-led conferences. Here are some for you to peruse:
1. Various types of portfolios, pedagogy, information for teachers
3. How to build a portfolio for elementary students

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